Disk No: 2015 Disk Title: CHEX PC-SIG Version: S1.1 Program Title: CheX Author Version: 2.43 Author Registration: $20.00 Special Requirements: None. CHEX is a bookkeeping program for balancing checks, credit cards, and savings accounts. The program looks and feels just like the recording section in your own checkbook. For each item or check you write, you may enter the date, check number, whether it is a debit or credit, who the item is written out to, a short note, and a category code. As the amount for each check is entered, the program will keep a running total of your bank statement. CHEX is easy to use because all information is entered and displayed in a list divided into columns on the screen. At any time you may sort the checkbook by date, allowing you to enter checks in any order you please. The program can balance the checkbook at the press of a button. CHEX can print an individual check, the entire checkbook, or a financial graph and total for the last 60 months. CHEX will allow you to customize the standard print format for your own checks. Continuous forms are not required. You may also export the checkbook information into LOTUS 1-2-3. CHEX has on-line, context-sensitive help, password and encryption protection, and an automatic saving feature which activates after a specified period of time with no input from the keyboard. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.